李甜甜,孙文翔. 浮选智能控制系统研究与应用[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(4):1−5.
    引用本文: 李甜甜,孙文翔. 浮选智能控制系统研究与应用[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(4):1−5.
    LI Tiantian, SUN Wenxiang. Study and application of the flotation process intelligent control system[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(4):1−5.
    Citation: LI Tiantian, SUN Wenxiang. Study and application of the flotation process intelligent control system[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(4):1−5.


    Study and application of the flotation process intelligent control system

    • 摘要: 在选煤厂细煤泥浮选过程中药剂的添加普遍采用人工控制,这种方式依赖人工经验,存在工人劳动强度大、药剂添加不易控制、浮选指标不稳定等问题,容易造成浮选药剂的浪费或浮选精煤的损失。为解决上述问题,针对浮选工艺受多因素影响的特点,通过对浮选过程参数的在线检测,提出了一种浮选智能控制系统,该系统由基于案例推理的浮选药剂智能添加系统和基于产品指标的浮选双向智能控制系统组成。通过对浮选系统进行改造,浮选智能控制系统已应用于冀中能源峰峰集团有限公司邯郸洗选厂,应用结果表明:该系统实现了尾矿灰分的3 min快速在线检测,尾矿灰分测量精度在1.9%以内;实现了药剂的稳定添加,浮选药剂用量较改造前降低了5个百分点以上;实现了浮选过程智能控制,稳定了产品质量,浮选精煤产率较改造前提高了0.3个百分点以上;同时降低了人工劳动强度。


      Abstract: The dosing of reagent in flotation of fine slime is generally made under manual control at coal preparation plants. This dosing method relies heavily on experience of operators, and is high in labor intensity and uneasy to control and maintain steadiness of indices of products, causing consequently the waste of reagents or loss of flotation concentrate. To deal with these issues, an intelligent control system is proposed based on online measurements of flotation process parameters as well as the characteristics that the flotation process is subjected to the influence of multiple factors. The system is comprised of two parts — the intelligent reagents dosing system developed by inference to the result of case study and the two-way intelligent flotation process control system based on indices of products. The system has been used at Handan Plant for remoulding the flotation process. Field application shows that the intelligent online ash meter can execute measurement of ash of tailing within 3 minutes with a measuring accuracy within 1.9%; the reagent can be steadily added with a drop of consumption by 5 percentage points compared to the previous figure before the use of the system; the flotation process can now be proceeded under intelligent control, and quality of concentrate can be stabilized, leading to a rise of yield of concentrate by over 0.3 percentage point compared with the previous figure; the labor intensity is much lessened.


