    The necessity of establishing the safety production standardization system for coal washing enterprises
    DONG Yongsheng, CHEN Weigao, HOU Dianping, WU Xiaohua
    2022, 50(6): 1-4. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.001
    Abstract PDF
    The strategy of the development of sizing-crushing technology and equipment under the strategic goals of peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality
    LI Peng, ZHANG Mingyuan, CHEN Tong, DING Yong, CHEN Hong
    2022, 50(6): 5-8. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.002
    Abstract PDF
    Shanxi Coking Coal Group's thoughts on the way to implement the clean coal strategy under the new situation
    LI Xia, GAO Jianchuan, CHEN Biao, XING Chunfang
    2022, 50(6): 9-13. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.003
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of the applicability of the perfect index for evaluation of flotation performance
    GENG Shaowei, FU Dongxu, LI Haitao, YUE Lirong, ZHANG Xiaotao
    2022, 50(6): 14-19. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.004
    Abstract PDF
    Study on concerted action of emulsified agent and microbubble for enhancement of fine coal flotation effect
    GAO Ruidong, DONG Xianshu, SUN Yujin, FAN Yuping, WANG Mingxing
    2022, 50(6): 20-25. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.005
    Abstract PDF
    Study and application of the wear-resistant armoring technology for protection of belt conveyor
    REN Zicheng
    2022, 50(6): 26-34. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.006
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of size consist of magnetite powder on characteristics of heavy-medium suspension
    LI Jinyan, ZHANG Liqiang
    2022, 50(6): 35-39. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.007
    Abstract PDF
    Study of the law governing the distribution of heterogeneous coal slime in flotation machine
    LI Chao, WANG Po, ZHOU Wei, ZHANG Yong
    2022, 50(6): 40-45. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.008
    Abstract PDF
    Practice of coal product quality management under the impact brought on by occurrence of natural coke
    SUN Yousen, ZHANG Zhengfeng, LI Gang, SHI Guang, YUAN Qinyong, LIU Tielin, WANG Xiaoqian, LIU Guixia, SONG Wei, LI Tao, JIANG Yajun
    2022, 50(6): 46-52. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.009
    Abstract PDF
    Upgrading and optimization of the small coal heavy-medium separation system at Yangchangwan Coal Preparation Plant
    ZHANG Qian
    2022, 50(6): 53-57. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.010
    Abstract PDF
    Feasibility analysis on production of coking coal and coal washing process transformation practice at Baode Coal Preparation Plant
    GU Lin, ZHANG Ning, ZHANG Jianfei
    2022, 50(6): 58-63. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.011
    Abstract PDF
    Study on reduction of consumption of flotation agents and field practice conducted at Handan Coal Preparation Plant
    XIAO Qi
    2022, 50(6): 64-69. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.012
    Abstract PDF
    Practice of optimization of product structure at Yima Mining Area's coal preparation plants
    LIU Junling
    2022, 50(6): 70-75. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.013
    Abstract PDF
    Application of organic coagulating agent in coal slurry water treatment at Huoshaopu Coal Preparation Plant
    WU Sheng, HUANG Herui, JIAO Xianguo, XU Peng, CENG Xianglin
    2022, 50(6): 76-80. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.014
    Abstract PDF
    Application of the intelligent heavy medium separation density control system in separation of coal with significant difference in property at Shuangliu Coal Preparation Plant
    WANG Haibo, REN Zhiguo, ZHAO Yinyin, LIU Yongli, LI Dianying, WANG Zhi
    2022, 50(6): 81-86. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.015
    Abstract PDF
    Study and application of the equal-separating density gravity-flow medium adding system
    WANG Gang
    2022, 50(6): 87-92. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.016
    Abstract PDF